Friday, July 13, 2007

The Tugboat Massacre of July 13, 1994

Today marks 13th anniversary of the "13 de Marzo" massacre by the Cuban government. Cuba Archive has a detailed account of what transpired that early morning and a list of all who passed away and survived. Also, there is a brief summary for each person towards the end of the document. During the day today, let's take a moment to remember our brothers and sisters who died trying to achieve what most of us have accomplished. FREEDOM !!

The adults brought out the children on deck to see if this would deter the incessant jet streams and collisions. In desperation, parents held their children up in the air and pleaded for their lives, putting them in front of the powerful reflector lights pointed at them. But, the attackers disregarded their cries and continued to bombard the powerless passengers with the high pressure water. The mighty streams scattered them all over deck, ripped clothing off, and tore children from their parents’ arms. Some were swept into the ocean immediately. The name of a shoe polish used popularly to refer to these boats.
Please read the rest here.

Also, Babalu has listed on their website that Vigilia Mambisa looks to be setting up for a demonstration in Little Havana. I'll keep you updated.

Another great blog with information about today's anniversary is Killcastro. They have a special article in remembrance of those who were murdered 13 years ago today.

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