Monday, July 16, 2007

One Company At A Time

"Tar-che" is profiting from the killer AGAIN !! I have no idea when this will end, but I do know that we are fighting an uphill battle that we will WIN !! Last week, I did a post on Target selling che DVD's . They are STILL being sold !!

Let's blow-up the e-mails and voice mail's like we did when "Tar-che" sold che CD cases and Cingular/AT&T sold che cell phone graphics (TWICE). We succeeded all three times. Why not make it a fourth time ?? These companies have to know that we, Cubans, are serious and will not be taken for fools.

Here is the information once again to contact Target and let them know that we will not accept anything less than the removal of the butcher de La Cabaña merchandise from their website !!

Guest Relations Phone: 1 (800) 440-0680

Upon futher investigating, not only is "Tar-che" is selling che DVD's, but they are also selling che music CD's and books. Here are some of the listed products for sell:

1. El Che - Investigating a Legend [DVD]

2. Che Guevara: Revolutionary and Icon

3. Che Guevara Speaks

I will keep fighting "One Company At A Time" !!


Anonymous said...

you're tackling them really well!

YouTube Movies said...


Jewbana said...

This information and the contact numbers for Ebay and Target have been given on the air at Radio Mambi all day today. They have the largest audience (per Arbitron). People have been calling all day. Some have faxed the radio station copies of letters to Target, some people are selling their stock holdings.

Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I emailed Target. Let's hope they have someone who can read over there...