Thursday, May 24, 2007

Boycott That Movie - Transformers

For those who are not aware, Steven Spielberg once said, "his dinner with (fidel) castro was the most important 8 hours of his life". This comes from a guy who has 7 kids and has been married twice.

Mr. Spielberg, you mean to tell me that those eight hours with a murderous dictator were more important than the birth of all your kids? You mean to tell me that your two weddings and honeymoons are not as important as the eight hours you spent with a human rights violator? If You should be ashamed of yourself, especially being Jewish. No one better then yourself can understand the pain and suffering one goes through when a brutal sanguinary dictator is in power.

With this I ask that everyone that read's this boycott's the movie Transformers. The only way these people learn is by hitting their pockets, were it hurts. I will not watch the movie even though I was a HUGE fan of the TV show.

Stay tuned for the next edition of Boycott That Movie

There's enough ignorance to go around

Another ignorant journalist writing about Cuba's "free" healthcare. I found this article from the Kansas City Star writen by another castro healthcare supporter who just doesn't get it.

What ever happened to the era of journalism when stories where researched and investigated before putting it in print. Now a days, it's just about jumping on the bandwagon and being a follower. I wonder if Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star columnist, has ever gone to Cuba and observed what is the REAL Cuban healthcare that the average citizen recieves? While castro send hundreds of doctors to other countries, who is treating his own people?

I guess Mary has not visited The Real Cuba and seen the horrific pictures of how castro's "free" healthcare system treats its patients.

Really, then where are you?

The Phantom Writer has made another appearance. He keeps on saying in his editorials that he is fine, but where is he really? The bearded bitch has not been seen since he did a disappearing act on July 31 and made his brother Queen. Knowing what we know about Cuba and castro for many years now, do we really think that if he would be as fine as he keeps on insisting he is he would have appeared already? We are talking about a dictator who enjoys the spotlight. Any moment he gets to show up his critics and his opposition, he does it.

He postponed his 80th birthday celebrations last year until December. He was still to ill in December to celebrate. Since then he has missed key dates such as May Day (May 1). There were been talks since earlier this year that the COMAndante was just fine and giving orders through the phone, even walking around in his room. If that is the case, why hasn't he shown that to the Cuban people? On a day like May Day when you have the international spotlight and hundreds of thousands of Cubans chanting your name, if your as good as you say, why don't you stick to "The Mafia De Miami" and show them that your still ticking? The answer is simple - your still ticking, but your so gone you don't even know it.

Here is an excerpt of two things "he" says in the article that are no secret:

"It was not just one operation, but various," Castro wrote in the statement that the government sent to international media by e-mail. "Initially it was not successful and that had a bearing on my prolonged recuperation."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Rarity for Snow and the AP

I can't believe my eyes. Anita Snow from the AP has referred to Cuba as "communist Cuba". Also, she did not refer to dictator castro as "President". There is nothing that pisses me off more than for castro to be called "President". Nobody voted for his ass !! He is the "President" of what, dictators maybe? Hell is freezing over at this moment !! Don't believe me, read the article from the Beatrice Daily Sun. By the way what happened to the embargo?

Cuba expects up to $150 million in new U.S. sales at trade

Wednesday, May 23,
2007 12:46 PM CDT

HAVANA - Communist Cuba expects to sign contracts for much as $150 million in American agricultural goods next week at the largest gathering of U.S. farm producers here since Fidel Castro fell ill last summer.

Pedro Alvarez, chairman of the island's food import company Alimport, said that talks beginning Monday should produce enough deals to ensure Cuba buys as much U.S. goods in 2007 as it did last year. About 100 American farm groups and companies from 22 U.S. states are participating, but no Nebraska delegation was organized for this event, a state spokeswoman said.